Office Delve - for Office 365 app for iPhone and iPad
Find and discover documents through people you work with. For Office 365 users.
Use Delve to see what you and your colleagues are working on across Office 365. Based on who you work with and how you work together, Delve suggests documents that are relevant to you.
Key features:
- Discover new information
- Find documents through people
- Get back to documents you’re working on
In Delve you’ll only see content that has been shared with you. This means that your colleagues won’t see your private documents, and you won’t see theirs.
IMPORTANT: You can only use this app if your organization uses Office 365 and Delve.
Pros and cons of Office Delve - for Office 365 app for iPhone and iPad
Office Delve - for Office 365 app good for
Thanks for this great application, very useful and well designed!
Love the app and the insight I get with what is going on around me
When working in a group, delve is a good way to keep track other people related team documents.
Excellent way to locate and categorize your and your peers documents
Very useful for every person who use Office 365 and collaborate work space.
Helps keep up with relevant docs being authored and edited by co-workers
Some bad moments
When Im looking to explore or work on documents Im on my iPad, not my phone. This will work on an iPad, but it is crippled.
I just started using Delve with our Office 365 setup at work. Its good for keeping current with what the team is working on. Good to have this on the phone too.
I cant get it to work, we use o365 and have deployed iPads to our whole sales force. Im trying to use the group function and thought this would help. The screens pop up blank and the sign in slide defaults to a warped keyboard that does not allow me type.. Disappointing
This version of the app does not open after attempting either to sign in with 2 Factor Authentication or the 2FA app password. Works fine in a computer browser but not the iPhone app. After trying to login, it takes the password and I get notification from the Microsoft Authenticator app, after verifying, it tries to login but get error "Were having trouble trying to get content. Try again later."
When trying to use the 2FA app password it does not recognize it. So far, its useless for me on mobile.
It might work for non-2FA users so I give it 2 stars for now until it works like the other MS apps.
I cant see the far right side of the keyboard to complete the login process.
If your enterprise content has been hoisted into Office 365, be it a greenfield or a hybrid on-prem & O365 deployment, youll want to run and not walk to try Delve, and try it again if you last touched it months ago. If your email is in Exchange Online, your files in OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online, and your organization is enjoying the fruits of having done the hard work to have synchronized identities managed in Office 365 and through Azure services, then your content and user profiles are in the right place for Delve to change the way you start your day and the way you work - yeah, literally. Spooky good, amazing, youll be catching up on the work that colleagues and team members closest to you are doing, and identifying in real-time the work and content most relevant to you and your workflows and value-delivery chains in ways previously impossible or highly impractical. Fire up Delve, surf your social graph, see relevant connections and content surface for you, be blown away. Adam Cassel, IT Applications Manager, Partners In Health, the letter p and i and h and dot org
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